
Pentecostal Churches Congratulate Government

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The Board of Directors of the ACPCN would like to compliment the Namibian Government for tasks and duties executed and achievements as well as targeted goals reached during 2006. The Board of Directors would also like to express its gratitude and appreciation, amongst others, on the following issues: – Infrastructure Development, especially the completion on the Northern Railway line up till Ondangwa. – The urgent attention to Education & Training, to improve on this sector, with the vigorous efforts to shape and streamle the ETSIP Programme/Project. – The effective immunization campaign against the outbreak of Malaria in the country. – The tireless fight and efforts against the HIV/AIDS Pandemic, with all relevant stakeholders. – The brave and tireless fight against crime and to maintain order in the country through our Police Officers and the City Police, especially with the “Black September” campaign which was launched in some parts of our country. – The fight against corruption and the establishment of the Anti-Corruption Commission. Although at this point in time it is quite early to measure the success of the Commission, we have the trust that in the long run it will bear the expected fruits of eliminating possible forms of corruption especially in the government and corporation institutions. – The success of the rehabilitation programme for petty crimes initiated by the Ministry of Safety and Security in collaboration with the various Prison Centres in the country, especially in the Kavango Region. – The approval for the establishment of a new Ministry for War Veterans and Freedom Fighters. – The maintenance of unity, peace and political stability within the borders of our country, as promised and agreed upon by our political leaders. – The plight and rights of minority groups such as the San Community in our country through special efforts by the office of the Deputy Prime Minister in order to improve the standard of living of these people through various programmes and projects. – The creation and maintenance of good bilateral relationships within the SADC region, Africa and other foreign countries. Nevertheless, the ACPCN also observed some issues which we regard as a concern, and recommend that our government should give proper attention for the sake of economic growth and the common well-being of all Namibians. These issues, amongst others, are as follows: – The increasing gender-based violence and especially the lack of respect for life, human rights and human dignity of women of all age groups. – The misuse and abuse of alcohol, the free access any time and anywhere to alcohol. The issue of alcohol misuse is regarded in a very serious light due to the fact that alcohol can be the cause of many social problems such as poverty, divorces, increase in crime rates, increase in accidents on roads, increase in violence, increase in rape cases, increase in the spread of HIV/AIDS and other STDs. – The poverty and unemployment status raises a very great concern. Namibia is one of the most unequal societies in the world and sixteen years after independence the gap between the poor and rich is still wide. We urge the government and all economic role players to pay urgent attention to those aspects. – The ACPCN strongly requests the government to reconsider the Basic Income Grant, proposed by the CCN as one of the possible solutions to poverty reduction. – The loss of public funds through mismanagement and incorrect handling of misconduct cases, such as suspensions, are also raising serious concerns. The relevance and capability of the handling of such matters as well as time management, cost and legal implications are also questionable. – The possibility to recognize same-sex marriages in a dominant Christian country and the possibility to legalize such marriages in the future pose a challenge to the Namibian society as a whole, and especially to the Christian churches and community in particular. The ACPCN urges the Christian community and all churches to pool their resources in order to assist and support our government in all its good intentions, in order to realize Vision 2030. This can only be achieved through the creation and establishment of smart partnership by all relevant stakeholders. Finally, the ACPCN would like to use this opportunity to compliment and congratulate our government, all law-abiding, productive and hardworking citizens of our beloved country, on achievements made and goals met. May the Almighty God keep you safe and protected, and enjoy the festive season which you deserve, with your families. We wish you all a productive and blessed New Year – 2007. Rev. J. F. Gaweseb Chairperson: ACPCN