People refuse to see positive changes – Nujoma

Home Elections People refuse to see positive changes – Nujoma

REHOBOTH – Founding President Dr Sam Nujoma says Namibia under the leadership of Swapo has recorded notable achievements since independence.

Yet despite all the many achievements over the years, there are detractors who continue to claim that the Swapo Party led government has not done anything since independence.

“Such people refuse to see the changes that have taken place,” Nujoma said when addressing a rally in Rehoboth in the Hardap Region on Saturday.

Nujoma said achievements are in areas of education, health, road and railway infrastructure, telecommunications, sanitation, potable water and rural electrification, and are tangible for all to see.

He called on all Namibians to go out in numbers and vote for the party as it is the only party in Namibia that has the capacity to achieve economic independence and eradicate hunger, poverty and ignorance.

The founding president said the Swapo Party election manifesto is the only social contract with the Namibian people which sets realistic objectives and implementable targets.

“I call upon supporters and sympathisers to familiarise themselves with the content and vote for Swapo Party and its presidential candidate Dr Hage Geingob,” he said.

Nujoma highlighted achievements in the region as the renovation of clinics and hospitals, and the upgrading of electricity infrastructure by which 720 households were directly connected to pre-paid electricity boxes in Block E and Block G. He said the recently inaugurated shopping complex in Rehoboth is clear testimony to the politically peaceful and stable environment for investment and economic growth brought by the Swapo Party led government.

Furthermore, Nujoma said sewer systems in Gochas, Aranos, Stampriet and Kalkrand have also been attended to.

He called on people of Rehoboth to go to the polls in big numbers and vote for Swapo to renew its mandate to continue administering and developing the country.

He said the party has always embraced collective decision-making and unity of purpose “which enabled us to defeat the minority white apartheid regime of South Africa from our country and achieve genuine freedom and independence”.

Namibians will go to the polls to elect the country’s new and third president as well as 96 members of the National Assembly on November 28.

By Kuzeeko Tjitemisa