
Personality of the week – Inspired by dad to tee off

Home National Personality of the week – Inspired by dad to tee off
Personality of the week –  Inspired by dad to tee off

Your most memorable tournament

Leopard Creek, R&A amateur championship, South Africa.

Your toughest tournament: It’s still Leopard Creek, R&A amateur championship, South Africa.

Biggest career disappointment: I don’t think I have any disappointments so far. I keep improving in every tournament I take part in.

The biggest influence on your career: It would be my dad and Rickie Fowler; he has inspired me in so many ways possible.

If not golf, which other sport would you have played?

I would have been a rugby player, because that was my first love. I never thought I would play golf because I got into it by watching my dad play golf every day.

Is attitude considered a determining factor in achieving success?

I believe attitude is important for an athlete if you want to go far in your career. I think you should encourage yourself constantly to work hard, stay humble, and have a positive attitude towards sports and life. A wrong attitude can take down your sport and break your career.

Besides golf, what are your other hobbies? 

I don’t think I have any other hobbies because all I do is play golf every day.

How did you get into golf, and for how long have you been playing?

When I was younger, my dad was playing golf, and I asked him if I could try it too. From that moment on, I developed a passion for the sport. I’ve been playing it for 14 years now. I used to watch it on television and observe skilled golfers, including my dad, and that inspired me to start playing.

As a young golfer, what aspects of the game do you find most enjoyable or challenging?

The enjoyment for me is when I hit the green on a par-5 in 2 and make an eagle, because that boosts your whole day and game. (In golf, ‘eagle’ is the term used when a golfer scores 2-under par on any individual hole. Each hole on a golf course is designated as a par 3, par 4, or par 5 (and rarely par 6), with ‘par’ representing the number of strokes that an expert golfer is expected to need to complete the play of that hole.)

What are your short-term and long-term goals in golf, and how do you plan to achieve them?

I want to become a professional golfer one day. With dedicated practice and support from my family and friends, I believe I can achieve this goal. Every day, I’m committed to honing my skills on the course, refining my technique, and mastering the mental aspects of the game. I understand that the journey to becoming a professional golfer is challenging, but I am determined to give it my all. With perseverance and hard work, I’m confident that I can turn my passion for golf into a successful career.

How do you balance your academic commitments with your golf training and competitions?

I’ve been homeschooling to accommodate my passion for golf. Each morning, I dedicate my time to practising on the golf course until around 11 a.m. Afterwards, I diligently focus on my schoolwork. This schedule allows me to prioritize my golf training while still ensuring I fulfill my academic responsibilities. This allows me to manage my time effectively, so I can pursue my dreams of becoming a professional golfer while also excelling in my studies.

Comparing experiences, what does Namibia need to do for golf to catch up with the rest of the world?

The difference in course conditions between international locations and those in Namibia is significant. Internationally, the greens tend to be much quicker, and the courses often boast lush grass surfaces that offer a different playing experience. In contrast, many courses in Namibia feature sand golf courses with grass greens and tee boxes. While both types of courses have their own unique charms and challenges, they cannot be directly compared due to their distinct characteristics. Playing on various types of courses allows golfers to develop adaptable skills and appreciate the diversity within the sport across different regions.

Your plans for 2023 and beyond

My goal is to focus on intense practice to excel in golf. I aim to become the best player I can be, pushing myself to new heights. Additionally, I’m eager to explore international courses, learning from diverse landscapes and challenges. With support from loved ones, I’m determined to leave no stone unturned. 

Each swing brings me closer to my dream, and I’m ready to embrace every opportunity for growth. 

Through dedication and perseverance, I’ll carve my place in the world of golf, driven by passion and a relentless pursuit of excellence.