Personality of the week – Pedaling through life with ease

Personality of the week – Pedaling through life with ease

A young cyclist with big dreams, Johannes Simon, has a quirky sense of humour and a heart full of passion. He’s ready to ride into the sunset – or at least the next cycling event. This publication sat down with him to find out what makes him tick.

What inspired you to hop on a bike and never look back?

It all started with my coaches. Initially, I was just having a blast cycling for the fun of it – like a kid at a candy store. But they opened my eyes to the real joy of cycling. It’s not just about the wind in your hair; it’s about the incredible people you meet along the way.

So, how did you pick your bike? Is it a love story?

My coach secretly built my bike without me knowing. I kept dropping hints about my dream bike, and then – surprise – it was gifted to me. Talk about a two-wheeled fairytale.

Do you have a favourite cycling style, like road cycling, mountain biking, or something else?

Mountain biking all the way. There’s something magical about tearing through nature – it makes me feel completely free. Plus, who doesn’t love dodging trees and discovering hidden trails?

What’s the most gruelling ride you’ve conquered?

My first Tour de Windhoek. It was my initiation into the world of stage racing. Two races in one day? Talk about a test of endurance. Morning madness and afternoon adrenaline – it was epic.

When the going gets tough, how do you keep those pedals turning?

I live by the motto: “No pain, no gain!”. I focus on all the effort others have put into my training and races. It’s like having a cheering squad in my head reminding me to push through.

What are the must-have gear and accessories for a serious cyclist?

First and foremost, a helmet. Safety first, after that, you can start to indulge in your bike collection and other nifty gear. You can never have too many bikes, right?

Ever been part of a cycling event or race? 

I’ve participated in over 40 events, but the crème de la crème – The Nedbank Desert Dash. It’s a rite of passage for cyclists in Namibia – mental and physical preparation is key. It’s a challenge, but so worth it.

How does cycling fit into your everyday routine?

Cycling has been my escape from the streets. Instead of hanging out in the corners, I am out riding, or hitting the books at school. It’s a much healthier choice.

Let’s talk about nutrition. How do you fuel that cycling machine of yours?

Nutrition was a bit of a puzzle for me, especially living with family who have different eating habits. But thanks to my coach and our team chef Monika, I am finally on the right track.

What golden nugget of wisdom would you share with newbies in the cycling world?

Patience is key. This sport isn’t about instant victories. It takes time, dedication and a few scrapes along the way. Keep at it.

Have you made any lasting friendships through cycling?

I’ve found a family in this sport – brothers and mothers who have taken me under their wing. They’re unforgettable, and I carry them in my heart wherever I go.

How would you describe the cycling community where you live?

Funny story – my entire street is filled with cyclists. It’s like living in a cycling haven that keeps growing. It’s fantastic to see more and more people join the ride!

How do you keep your bike in tip-top shape?

I am lucky. My sponsor helps with maintenance, and my coach Jafet Amukushu is my bike wizard. Without them, I’d probably be lost in a sea of grease.

What’s your favourite cycling memory that always makes you smile?

Visiting South Africa was a dream. It was eye-opening to see the vast world of cycling there compared to Namibia. 

Balancing cycling with school or work – how do you do it?

It’s all about time management. I have school in the mornings, then I help out at Physically Active Youth (where my cycling dream took flight). After that, it’s training time – typically one hour-and-a-half to two hours of bliss on my bike.

What are your long-term cycling dreams?

I am aiming for the UCI Mountain Series. It’s a big goal, but I’m ready to pedal my way there.

If you could ride anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

Switzerland. It’s a mountain biking paradise. Just picture the stunning views and trails – my heart races just thinking about it.