
Persons with disability urged to participate in YALI programmes

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Persons with disability urged to participate in YALI programmes

David Anghuwo

The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) is an initiative of the United States Department of State. Initiated in 2010 by President Barack Obama, it is the US’s signature effort to invest in the next generation of African leaders.

Because there has been low participation of leaders with disabilities in various YALI programmes, the Namibian Chapter is requesting youth with disabilities to actively take part in these programmes face-to-face and/or virtual/online. In addition, the Namibian Chapter in their respected portfolios, together with the alumni, is ready to support differently-abled young leaders with various guidance and assistance to apply for YALI programmes. 

Leaders with a disability under the age of 35 from all regions are thus encouraged to apply and benefit through skills and knowledge, and get opportunities through YALI programmes.

One such programme on offer is the Mandela Washington Fellowship. This is the flagship programme of YALI. Since 2014, nearly 5 100 young leaders from every country in sub-Saharan Africa have participated in the fellowship. The fellows, between the ages of 25 and 35, are accomplished leaders, and have established records of promoting innovation and made positive impacts in their communities and countries. In 2022, the fellowship will provide 700 outstanding young leaders from sub-Saharan Africa with the opportunity to hone their skills at a US college or university, with support for professional development after they return home.

Youth with disabilities can also access the YALI Network, which provides free tools and resources to help young African leaders develop the skills and connections they need to become a positive force for change in their communities.

No field or profession should be out of reach to women. To this effect, the Africa4Her programme aims to increase the participation of women and girls in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to not only catalyse economic growth and productivity, but also contribute to women’s empowerment and gender equity as a whole. Achieving equity for women in STEM fields requires addressing barriers to entry, retention and promotion, overcoming stereotypes in girls’ STEM education, and increasing access to STEM education and mentorship from the earliest ages.

In addition, YALIServes encourages all members of the YALI Network to perform acts of service during the week of International Nelson Mandela Day, celebrated on 18 July. This year, the YALIServes campaign focussed on small acts of service that can be done within communities.

As a member of the YALI Network, participants have access to hundreds of online resources like blog posts, podcasts, courses, videos and toolkits through YALILearns. They can also use YALILearns to broach a discussion about important topics, network and connect with other young leaders, and strengthen existing leadership skills.


* Inamutila David Anghuwo

Youth African Leadership Initiative (YALI) Sustainability Coordinator – Namibian Chapter