
Pertinent Questions and Motions Tabled

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By Frederick Philander WINDHOEK Several questions from the official opposition, as well as a number of motions, were asked and tabled on Tuesday, the first day of the reopening of the National Assembly. The NA is in its final session of the year after a winter recess of two months. Filemon Moongo of the DTA asked the Minister of Defence whether or not a written agreement exists between former PLAN fighters and the government for compensation after the liberation war in the country; and whether he is aware of the fact that ex-SWATF members are demanding pensions in the coastal towns of Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. Nora Schimming-Chase, deputy president of the Congress of Democrats, wanted to know from the minister of Health and Social Services how many adults as well as children under the age of five years were immunized during the recent polio outbreak in the country. She also wanted to know from the minister of Information and Broadcasting why certain government offices only display the official photo of the Founding Father of the Nation instead of both him and the current serving President. She said this state of affairs sends out the wrong message. McHenry Venaani of the DTA wanted to know from the minister of Regional Government and Housing how many Namibians are presently living in shacks in and around the capital and other urban areas and what amount of money would be needed to resolve the housing problem in the country. Venaani also wanted to know from the Ministry of Defence whether a local company, Windhoeker Maschinenfabrik, is selling armoured vehicles to the warring parties in Iraq and what the country’s stance is regarding terrorism. A number of motions were also tabled on Tuesday: Chief Kuaima Riruako of NUDO tabled a motion demanding compensation for the genocide of Hereros committed in 1904. The president of the DTA, Katuuture Kaura, tabled a motion asking for support for the San people to assist them in burying the dead in coffins instead of the present custom of burials in plastic bags by prisoners. Tsudao Gurirab of the Congress of Democrats asked in a motion for a discussion on the deteriorating administrative conditions of local authorities, especially village councils.