Petition against Steve Hofmeyr concert

Home National Petition against Steve Hofmeyr concert

Eveline de Klerk

Swakopmund-Namibians of all colours have taken to social media to voice their concern over a planned concert in which controversial South African far right-wing singer, Steve Hofmey, is expected to perform.
The concert, which has sparked a social media storm, is slated for December 28 at Swakopmund.

By yesterday afternoon a petition was circulating via social networks calling upon the Namibian government not to allow the singer to enter the country.

The event is organised by the Swakopmund Kunsfees, which despite promoting the event does not have any contact details on their Facebook page.

Tickets for the event are being sold at Swakopmund Food Lover’s Market and De Wilde Restaurant at Platz am Meer.
Both outlets yesterday upon enquiry distanced themselves from the event saying they are not organising it but only assisting with ticket sales.

Meanwhile, hundreds of Namibians yesterday appealed that the radical singer, who has in the past been criticised for his views on racism and apartheid, not be allowed to perform in Namibia.

Hofmeyr had several concerts cancelled in the past – in Zambia, the Netherlands and in South Africa itself.
The last being in New Zealand, which was expected to take place in September this year.
Hofmeyr has often referred to the late white supremacist Eugene Terre’Blanche as a cultural icon and also blamed apartheid on black South Africans.  He also continuously sings the apartheid national anthem Die Stem to the objection of many South Africans.

The online petition, created by Lee Garises, states that Hofmeyr is an apartheid apologist who has no remorse for what happened to  black Africans during the apartheid regime.“He has made several public utterances in this regard and has since not issued any apology for his racist and divisive statements masking racism, despite public outcry.”  “This sets a very dangerous precedent for Namibia to allow someone like him to enter the country as we cannot allow [such] artists to take us back to unrest,” the petition read.