
PG refuses to prosecute ‘body in freezer’ accused

Home National PG refuses to prosecute ‘body in freezer’ accused
PG refuses to prosecute ‘body in freezer’ accused

The prosecutor-general has declined to prosecute two men who were accused of the death of a man whose body was found stuffed in a freezer near Katutura’s Herero Mall.

Malakia Mateus (22) and Amos Israel (35) were informed on Wednesday that due to a lack of evidence, the PG has decided not to have them stand trial on charges of murder and the obstruction of justice.

However, the two will stand trial in the Katutura Magistrate’s Court for entering the country without proper documentation.

Mateus and his co-accused have denied guilt following the discovery of the remains of Levi Kondjeni Mutundu Paulus (22) in an unplugged freezer on 31 October 2021.

According to a police crime report at the time, the victim was last seen two days before the grim discovery. The police said Paulus, who is suspected to be an Angolan national, conducted business at Herero Mall. He was last seen alive on 29 October 2021. 

However, his body was only discovered after a strong smell prompted the family to enter the bar, where they found his already decomposing body “inside a closed refrigerator”.

The police suspect Paulus was assaulted because his body was brutally bruised, and there were some signs of scuffles inside the room.

The pair is currently in police custody after the State strongly objected to them being released on bail, pending the finalisation of their case. 

They will again appear in court on 26 July.

Mateus and his co-accused are represented by Enos Mwakondange.
