
Photo Entries Deadline Extended

Home Archived Photo Entries Deadline Extended

By Staff Reporter


The organisers of the international literature in Africa festival in Berlin have announced a one-month grace period for entries.

The new deadline is June 30, by which date all photo entries must have arrived at the festival office.

All submissions of analogue or digital photos (300dpi) in black/white or colour are welcome: photos of book shops with their owners, libraries, children reading, youth and adults, or other motifs that are associated with the theme.

These photos, as far as possible, will be displayed in an exhibition that will take place during the festival.

The “best” photo to be selected by the jury as the main motif for the festival, which among other things will grace the festival poster and website, will be awarded with $500.

Namibian photographers wishing to submit entries can contact the organisers at:
Chausseestr. 5, 10115 Berlin (Germany)
or digital:foto-competition@literaturfestival.com