
Piece of meat kills patron

Home National Piece of meat kills patron

ONGWEDIVA – In a rather peculiar but unfortunate incident a man died on the spot after he reportedly choked on a piece of meat.

On Tuesday 11, 2014, Tommy Haludilu, 28, had allegedly ordered some meat at Okeve cuca shop at Elakalapwa village in the Omungwelume constituency of Ohangwena Region when he became unwell after eating the meat.

At about 14h30, while Haludilu was eating the meat, he collapsed and according to reports he suffocated and died on the spot.

Police said some local people however who did not realise Haludilu had died attempted to help but it was too late and police were called to the scene. His next of kin have been informed.

Any object that gets stuck in the throat and restricts airflow can cause choking.

Choking can also occur as a result of injury trauma, drinking alcohol, disease or from swelling after severe allergic reactions. It means that a person is unable to breathe or speak because the throat or windpipe is obstructed.

Without first aid the lack of airflow can cause serious brain damage or in the case of Haludilu even death by asphyxiation.

By Kakunawe Shinana