
PM calls for preservation of culture

Home National PM calls for preservation of culture

SANGWALI – Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila has called on traditional leaders in the country to work tirelessly in ensuring that values and traditions are preserved and passed on from generation to generation. 

She made the remarks while addressing Bayeyi and other ethnic groups who attended the annual Batshara cultural festival on Sunday at Sangwali the traditional seat of Chief Boniface Lutibezi Shufu.
Kuugongelwa-Amadhila stressed it is everyone’s role to ensure that cultural values and traditions are maintained.

 “As leaders and parents, we must strive to utilise every opportunity available to us to reinforce the values and traditions that we hold dear. If we do not, the result is that our beliefs will get so diluted, that over time our way of life will become foreign to us,” she said.

She further stated if traditional values are disregarded, “We will open our eyes one day and will not be able to recognise our world anymore. When values that support the backbone of our country, our family, and our faith are lost, the fabric of our society will be torn apart. Events such as this festival are such opportunities to ensure the reinforcement of our culture.”

At the same occasion, she also stated that while people celebrate culture, there is a need to embrace development that comes with it. “One important aspect of development is education. Through education many windows of opportunity open for our children,” she said.

The festival was attended by hordes of people from all walks of life, and others came as far as neighbouring Botswana. Senior government officials, members of parliament and Swapo Executive Director Austin Samupwa also graced the occasion.