
Police lay down the law

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The Namibian Police have vowed its readiness to ensure law and order is maintained during the national lockdown to curb the spread of Covid-19. President Hage Geingob on Tuesday announced that government has banned, with effect from today, all necessary transport and movement of people throughout the country until 4 May as part of measures to combat the coronavirus outbreak.

 Police chief Sebastian Ndeitunga told New Era this week that the force is ready to manage the national lockdown, despite its limited resources at its disposal. Ndeitunga called on members of the public to cooperate with law enforcement officers and limit unnecessary movement between towns and villages during the national lockdown. 
He said anyone who disregards the Covid-19 state of emergency regulations would be arrested and face the full might of the law. 

“No one is above the law. Law applies to everyone. There will be no sale of alcohol and whoever is found selling alcohol through back-door yards will be arrested,” he warned. 

He said all alcohol, which has since been confiscated from those selling illegally during the lockdown, will be kept as evidence in the court of law and depending on what the prosecutor general decides, can be forfeited by the state or destroyed. He did not spare those police officers who take the law into their hands by harassing the public. 
Ndeitunga warned them to desist from such behaviour and conduct themselves in a professional manner and protect human rights. Geingob also warned police officers not to indulge themselves in unbecoming behaviours but rather be kind and protect the lives of citizens. 

Recently, some police officers in the north were widely condemned after forcing a man, who was suspected of violating lockdown regulations, to roll in opaque, home-brewed alcohol as instructed by police officers, seemingly as a form of punishment. 

 Justice minister Yvonne Dausab said government measures adopted during March, including the ban of alcohol sale, the unnecessary movement and restrictions on public gatherings, would remain in place during the national lockdown.
– anakalae@nepc.com.na