
Poor Must Get Free Water

Home Archived Poor Must Get Free Water

The Editor

I am calling for the Namibian government to introduce the system of free water programmes for the people. Water is very crucial to life and therefore should never be treated as a commodity for sale. The government seems to think that the provision of water should be run on a commercial basis. The government has an obligation to provide essential services to its people.

Many people have no access to housing, potable water, better education and more money for pensions. These are supposed to be the major priorities of government, as too many people are still living without basic necessities.

People could survive without electrification but it is unacceptable that not everybody has access to clean water.

Is the government really aware of what the people on the ground are saying? Thee nation is not accusing Namwater for what Namwater is doing, they are blaming the government. They don’t know Namwater. They only know the government.

Sometimes the government should learn to listen to the nation and to the opposition party in the National Assembly. It will take us nowhere if the ruling party is to be adamant every time even on issues of national concern.

Access to clean water is the right of all people of all nations; water is life for every body, poor or rich. The government must listen to its people.

Johanna Elago
P. O. Box 15169