Be mindful of what you are doing, says Nesongano 

Home National Be mindful of what you are doing, says Nesongano 

Paheja Siririka

WINDHOEK – The biggest lesson he has learnt in life is to be mindful of what he is doing. Mufaro Njabulo Nesongano says so often, people get caught up in the past or the future and forget to appreciate the current moment that life is presenting them. Therefore, he has learnt to live in the moment as much as possible.

The 34-year-old is the Corporate Communications and Online Media Manager at Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR), a job he has had just over five years now. His role entails being the liaison person between NWR and its valued stakeholders, in addition to maintaining all internal and external communication, to ensure uniformity of all their messages. Nesongano also manages NWR’s online media presence and sponsorships.

Working in such an environment and being young can come with challenges but not a deterrence to him. “One of the things I have learnt is to separate myself from whatever matter I am dealing with. Through this method, I have been able to deal with matters more objectively and this has made my job easier,” he told Youth Corner.

With his experience in radio, having started at Unam Radio and being a founding presenter of Fresh FM Namibia, working for Radio Energy and Base FM to being the Marketing and Public Relations Officer at Business Innovation Centre (NBIC), Nesongano says shifting careers was not easy.  

“It was a bit challenging in the beginning as I was no longer the one asking questions but the one being asked questions. I am, however, grateful that my lectures at the then Polytechnic of Namibia adequately prepared me for this transition,” he said. 

Nesongano was ecstatic that young people are slowly taking over in different industries, especially communication although the older generation is still present and dominating, stating that over the past few years, there have been several younger communication practitioners that have joined the practice. 
 “Equally, there are still some older practitioners who have such valuable experience that the current mix is perfect as each generation is learning and appreciating what each one can bring to the table. This sort of situation is the kind that you need to ensure the natural progression of organisations,” explained Nesongano.

With a strong and deep routed educational background, Nesongano holds an honours degree in Journalism and Communications from the Namibia University of
Science and Technology (Nust) and is currently pursuing a Masters in Journalism and Media Technology at the same institution. He believes this will better position him for future communication needs. 
The quote by Steve Jobs summarises Nesongano’s advice to the youth when it comes to career choices, aspirations and goals. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your inner voice,” he said. He further urged the Namibian youths to have the courage to follow their hearts and intuition. “We somehow already know what we truly want to become. Everything else is secondary,” He concluded.