Farmers urged to make use of Operation Werengendje

Home National Farmers urged to make use of Operation Werengendje

RUNDU – Chairperson of the Kavango East Farmers Union (Kefu) Adolf Muremi has urged farmers in the region to work their land, despite the poor rain prospects.

Subsistence farmers in particular, whose very livelihood depends on farming, must soldier on with working on their land, Muremi urged.

Muremi noted that farmers must plough their fields to ensure food security at home by making use of Kavango East regional governor Dr Samuel Mbambo’s signature agricultural initiative Operation Werengendje, which was launched in 2016 and offers subsidised farming services to farmers in the region.

Talking to New Era, Muremi noted that the list of beneficiaries to get assistance from Operation Werengedje was compiled and is with the governor’s office, and people are being assisted. 

“It’s very important, especially at a time when most have prepared to plough, while some have already started so the ones that are going to get tractor ploughing services must ensure that their fields are ready and cleared.” 
Muremi also said those with livestock must ensure that their livestock don’t graze in the fields of others. “Let’s herd our cattle and goats at all times,” he said.

“I’m aware and informed that tractor owners who are ploughing for our subsistence farmers in Kavango East have been given the list of beneficiaries to follow, but I want to advise them to assist farmers on time and at a reasonable pace. This lists were compiled through constituency councillors’ offices,” he said.

Operation Werengendje’s aims and objectives are  to ensure production of enough food for the country to reduce hunger  and through that eradicate poverty and bring about food security. This operation also contributes to the Harambee Prosperity Plan, supports the government’s idea of a national strategic food reserve and also aims to ensure sustainable production of supply of staple food such as mahangu, and with that restore human dignity.

Governor Mbambo when he initiated Operation Werengendje aimed to target mainly mahangu farmers. “As a strategy to the food security of our nation, mahangu farmers are encouraged to participate in this operation,“ he said.  Mbambo believes that the success of Operation Werengendje will immediately increase the yield and the quality of life of the people in the region in particular and the country in general.