Meteorological department predicts good rainfall

Home Front Page News Meteorological department predicts good rainfall

ONGWEDIVA – Farmers reeling from the daunting drought across the country can from this month expect to receive good rains, according to meteorological forecasts.

The rain will come as a relief to farmers, many of whom have this year not had the chance to harvest food to feed their families, whilst many are reported to have lost livestock.

New Era in September reported that over 30 000 cattle died from drought-related factors because consecutive droughts have decimated pastures and dried up water sources.

The official rainy season already started this past weekend. Some parts of Oshana region, including Ondangwa and Ongwediva, are some of the areas that were blessed with good showers.
Simon Dirkse from the Ministry of Works and Transport, Meteorological Service  said the department anticipates normal to above normal rainfall during October.

There is a probability of Ondangwa receiving rain on Wednesday and Thursday.
Further, rain is expected in Windhoek and Rundu on Thursday.

Many parts of the country, according to the latest weather update, are partly cloudy.
During the next three months leading up to December, forecasts are that the country will receive normal to above normal rainfall.  While during January, February and March there is likely to be normal to below normal rainfall, except in Zambezi region where normal to above normal rainfall is expected.

According to the Meteorological Service seasonal rainfall outlook report, there is a 35 percent probability in the above normal category, 40 percent probability in the normal category and 25 percent probability in the below normal category for the first rainy season ending in December.

During the first three months of next year, most of the country can expect a 25 percent probability in the above normal category, a 40 percent probability in the normal category and 35 percent probability in the below normal category.

Zambezi region, which is projected to receive normal to above normal rainfall, is anticipated to will have a 35 percent chance of rain in the below normal category, 40 percent probability in the normal category and 25 percent probability in the above normal category.