More prepaid taps to be installed at Kuvukiland

Home National More prepaid taps to be installed at Kuvukiland

OMUTHIYA – The dignity of many residents of Kuvukiland – one of the overpopulated informal settlements at Tsumeb – will be restored as there are plans to install more prepaid water points for residents of the settlement numbering about 10 000. 

The planned water taps will come in handy for the residents that has over the years endured having to walk long distances to the nearest water point, where they would still queue up as only about eight prepaid taps are installed.

“The water system in Kuvukiland will be extended to cater for those that are further away from the main road, as opposed to now where easy access is on to residents along the fore road. Dundee Precious Metal has availed funding of over N$200 000 for this project to extend the water points to the massively inhabited location. We welcome this development as it brings relieve to our people,” said the CEO of Tsumeb, Alfeus Benjamin. 

Benjamin said the situation is so dire that the municipality have to be using a water tanker during weekends to distribute water within the location in order to ease the congestion and pressure on the available taps.  

In other developments, Benjamin said the Shack dwellers’ housing program is still continuing and well on track, “In terms of addressing the issues of littering and cleanliness, we have acquired two skip trucks, one for refuse removal for Nomtsoub. Currently Nomtsoub was being served only on Thursdays or weekends, but now we can separate and serve the two parts of town on similar times of the week,” stressed the CEO who will be retiring this year.

“The truck will be operational as of next week, thus now we will be able to deal with the problems of household dumbing that we have been battling with,” he added.

On the other hand, Benjamin said they are faced with problems of water and damaged roads, although he said they are in the process of mending the broken parts. 

“With the funding we received from the Road Fund Administration, we are busy patching and filling the potholes. Nomtsoub is done and we are servicing the side of town heading to 11th road, we are however not having sufficient funds to resurface the road and only resurface on intersections,” stated Benjamin.