Mumbala confident of poll victory 

Home National Mumbala confident of poll victory 

KEETMANSHOOP – Swapo //Kharas regional coordinator Matheus Mumbala said the Keetmanshoop Urban constituency seat they lost last year to the Landless People’s Movement (LPM) is merely like a room rented by a landlord and that the term will expire very soon. 
“We will definitely take back our room as we have the right candidate now to fill the vacant seat as opposed to last year,’’ he said last week.
He also said Swapo will contest all regional council and local authority councillor positions during this year’s elections slated for November. 
Mumbala also said he was relatively pleased with the supplementary registration of voters, which ends tomorrow.

 “The only problem we have is that people are sent back by the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) officials at registration points if they cannot remember the exact month they started residing in a local authority,’’ he said.
Mumbala added as long as a potential voter stayed for more than 12 consecutive months in a local authority, he or she should be allowed to register, notwithstanding not remembering which month they arrived in their place of residence.

 “Political parties cannot mobilise the masses or address big crowds at gatherings due to Covid-19 restrictions,” said Mumbala. He also raised the fear that elections will take place two months from now, not giving parties sufficient time to politically campaign for support.
The regional coordinator then said the party has forwarded the names of nominated candidates for regional council and local authority seats for the upcoming elections to the Swapo party politburo for vetting processes. 
“We will introduce the successful party members during an extra-ordinary district congress that will follow.’’ 