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Opinion - Western values are not universal

2023-05-26  Correspondent

Opinion - Western values are not universal

Taddeus Shithigona


Namibia’s long protracted fight against colonialism, apartheid and imperialism in which thousands of our people lost their lives, is a long-lasting legacy of human rights violations by America and Western Nations; their only track record in as far as the upholding fundamental human rights and freedoms are concerned.  

Our country endured the most despicable atrocities of countless massacres, genocides and other heinous crimes against humanity at the hands of Germany and apartheid South Africa, both supported by Britain and the USA; financially, militarily, diplomatically and politically. A hundred years later, our tormentors are yet to admit to their crimes and restore the dignity of our people by returning what they have stolen from us over the years.

Namibia have never known democracy until the resistance of our people brought about the Independence of our country on 21 March 1990. Therefore, in all honesty, our persecutors and their collaborators have no moral fortitude to lecture us on human rights. Our tormentors do not qualify in the slightest, to wear a hat of human rights. 

The collective West and the US joined hands in 1884 to convene the Berlin conference in Germany, known to many as The Scramble for Africa. Therein, they endorsed the violation of every fabric that embodies the rights and freedoms of Africans. The devastating effects of the Berlin Conference are visible in our country and still very fresh in our people’s memories. Those who robbed us of humanity cannot now camouflage themselves under the banner of human rights, painted in rainbow flags, to force homosexuality down our throats, masquerading as the sole gatekeepers and guardians of human existence. 

The debris of genocide and apartheid are still encircling us, yet no reparations. The newly found “advocates” for human rights under the inhumane category of homosexuality must therefore be precedented by just reparations and the restoration of our people’s dignity, as well as the unequivocal return of our stolen wealth. 

Our people want the return of their stolen land and resources, not homosexuality! The propagation of homosexuality by Western countries in Africa and its advancement under the guise of human rights must be preceded by genuine efforts by known international culprits, to put an end to; racial discrimination; imperialism; Western hegemony; neo-colonialism and exploitation of Africa’s resources. 

The late Robert Mugabe reminded us before his passing that Africa, including Namibia, has fought for its independence, its own culture and its own sovereign right, to be masters of our own destiny. 

That is why we call ourselves free today, it is because the monster of imperialism was defeated by us. Bring us another monster by whatever name, it shall suffer the same consequences. 

*Taddeus Shithigona is a member of the central committee of the Swapo Party Youth League.

2023-05-26  Correspondent

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