Service delivery Swapo’s only weapon – SPYL

Home National Service delivery Swapo’s only weapon – SPYL
Service delivery Swapo’s only weapon – SPYL

For Swapo to survive and win back the popular vote, service delivery should be the foundation of all its strategies going forward, re-elected Swapo Party Youth League secretary Ephraim Nekongo has said.

Nekongo was speaking during the opening of the first SPYL central committee (CC) meeting in the capital over the weekend. 

The meeting marked the beginning of the implementation of the wing’s resolutions birthed at its seventh ordinary congress held last month. 

“Let us support our president. Let us support our ministers. Let us hold them accountable. We underline service delivery to our people,” Nekongo said. 

For the next five years, SPYL will be guided by the theme ‘A united youth for service delivery’. 

One of the key resolutions from the youth league’s congress is for government to consider repossessing farms from unproductive land reform beneficiaries and redistribute them to land-starved agriculture graduates to boost food security and bolster the economy.

The youth wing also took several resolutions on contemporary issues, such as the post-Covid-19 economic recovery, education for sustainable development, sport, arts and culture as well as social welfare.

Equitable healthcare, diplomacy, the fourth industrial revolution as well as environment and housing also featured dominantly.


Swapo secretary general (SG) Sophia Shaningwa addressed the ruling party’s youth on the day. 

She, however, was quick to point out that her presence was on invitation as opposed to canvasing support in her bid to retain the sought-after SG position. 

“I don’t invite myself. I get invited,” she said, before describing herself as a “youth motivator and truthful encourager of the youth and those who want to take up the lead for Swapo Party in an honest way and not the cowards who are fading when the storm is becoming hot.” 

SPYL will send a 15-member delegation to the mother body’s congress in November. 

“As Swapo SG, I didn’t vote for myself. I was voted nicely. I should also indicate that I am not refusing to leave the chair because the chair and seat of secretary general doesn’t belong to an individual. It belongs to the public. Therefore, there is no way that you should quarrel about me. When my time arrives, I will definitely go, with no quarrel,” she said.  Shaningwa has not openly stated whether or not she will contest for any position at the upcoming intraparty congress. 

But as the incumbent, she needs no nomination to run for the position she occupies. 

Today, the Swapo politburo will nominate candidates to contest for the top three positions (vice president, SG and deputy SG). 

So far, indications are that the position of party president will not be contested. –