Seventieth NHA Hiking Session a success 

Home National Seventieth NHA Hiking Session a success 

WINDHOEK – The Bank Windhoek sponsored Namibia Hikers Association (NHA) – a wellness gathering initiated by the Ondundu Youth Development Organisation (Inc.) staged its 70th Hiking Session at the Kaiser Wilhelm Mountain’s hiking trail in Windhoek, this month.

Individuals, families, groups and clubs speed hiked, walked and ran a total distance of eight kilometres, which started at the base of the mountain to its peak and back to the starting point. During the hikes, participants engaged in themed discussions facilitated by mentors.

Records were also tumbled with a new record of 45-minutes set by the first 20 winners on the day. The winners received a floating trophy and a hosts of cash prizes, courtesy of principal sponsor Bank Windhoek. 
“We are really pleased at the excellent turnout witnessed over the weekend and wish to once again thank Bank Windhoek for the support. For the next event, we are looking forward of welcoming three more schools and anyone else that would like to take part,” said NHA Executive Director, Eino Mbango.

The next event, themed “growth in sports development” takes place on Saturday, 29th of this month. Sport development is beneficial to any community, especially the youth since it contributes to their overall wellbeing. 
“We really encourage as many people as possible to take part in this exciting initiative,” said Bank Windhoek’s Sponsorship and Events Coordinator, Suzette January.

Established in 2010, NHA was catered for those with keen interest in physical and mental fitness awareness and has since its inception covered a total of 70 hiking sessions comprising 400 registered members. 
The NHA specialises in sports and fitness, corporate team-building and youth development programmes and participants regardless of their affiliation are welcome to register to participate in its activities. 

Registration is N$75.00 per athlete per event and participants can register in the following categories: School Hiking Clubs, Family Groups, Solo Hikers, two or three male or female teams or mixed corporate team-building groups, Health and fitness enthusiasts, Gymnasts Hiking Clubs.

To encourage participation in the activities offered by the NHA, Gondwana Collection Namibia has also sponsored five accommodation vouchers to be awarded to winners in the different categories. 

Each prize is a two-night stay for two at any Gondwana Lodge around the country and includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. There are currently two vouchers left that can still be won. For more information, please contact Eino Mbango on Cell: 081 384 4954 or email to