The moral conundrum of the “Musekiwagate”…the power of “we”  

Home National The moral conundrum of the “Musekiwagate”…the power of “we”  

The ensuing brouhaha in the aftermath of the shocking acquittal of Zimbabwean footballer, one Tapiwa Simon Musekiwa and subsequent unconvinced explanation by the league’s chairman is open for debate as it invites few awkward questions. 
For starters, who decides and ultimately what role do we as media practitioners and spectators have in the conduct of the sports, notably of the beautiful game we follow with unwavering passion and endurance? 

Is it us, who in the end are the rightful arbiters of what is deemed fit and proper within the sporting realm? It’s an open secret that personal bias could have the undesirable potential to soften the edges of moral outrage blurring the lines of correct conduct. 

Without beating about the bush – let me directly pose this tricky question to my learned friend Patrick Kauta. 
Football fans including club officials have this convenience habit of overlooking unpleasant behaviours from their own teams or representatives that would have otherwise provoked a howl of protest had it been visited upon them. So, where do we draw the lines?

As chairman of the country’s flagship football league, the MTC Premiership (NPL) – Kauta is gravely compromising his integrity and impartiality by involving himself in disputes concerning his club on whose ticket he is obviously paddling in the football structures. 

As a noted legal guru, Kauta will always be one step ahead of those questioning and trying to corner him on the modus operandi of the institution he fronts. 

On a lighter note, the brother should look over his shoulder before addressing seasoned journos in the same fashion he would brutally defend hardened criminals or serial stock thieves in the magistrate court. 
Football has different dynamics and by the way, why is the full extent of the operation and dodgy manner in which Musekiwa’s disciplinary case was dealt with only coming to the fore now after Tigers Football Club and some media houses started to advocate for the prosecution of the “Zimbo”.  

It’s a known fact that the lure of “moolah” in pursuit of manipulating ones’ circumstances may be the ultimate driving force of foul play, aided by sheer greed and wrong advise. Well, in township lingo, “a punch given and a punch given back” represents honours even, so to speak. 

Is it different to justify Musekiwa’s involvement in this ugly spat that led to the catastrophic grounding of Young Africa Football Club differently from the main actor in the comedy? 

The fact that Musekiwa has resurfaced at Kauta’s club obliged the chairman to recluse himself whilst keeping a healthy distance from commenting on this particular issue, as such act constitutes a conflict of interest unless proven otherwise. 
Yours truly has it on good authority that the Zimbo at the centre of the storm was never hauled before a disciplinary committee and even the obvious “cooked seven match ban” is just a gentle wrap on the knuckles considering the severity of the offense committed. I rest my case.