
Traditional authorities hail Geingob as unifier

Home National Traditional authorities hail Geingob as unifier
Traditional authorities hail Geingob as unifier

ONGWEDIVA – The chairperson of the Council of Traditional Leaders, Immanuel /Gaseb, said they will remember late President Hage Geingob as a unifier and a peace-loving Namibian, who dedicated his entire life fighting for the wellbeing of the Namibian people. 

“It is against this background that we convey our message of condolences to former First Lady Monica Geingos, the family and to the entire Namibian nation,” said /Gaseb.

He said Geingob was instrumental to the operation of the Council of Traditional Leaders, where he was always receiving prudent advice on the utilisation and management of communal land of the country and vice versa.

He also advised the council on how better to manage the affairs of the council mandate as provided for in the Namibian Constitution. 

“Geingob allocated most of his time to attending and addressing matters of the council in a unification approach,” he said.

He added that during his tenure, they have witnessed how he tackled disputes within the traditional authorities and unified the traditional communities through attending traditional ceremonies such as cultural festivals, inaugural events and many others.

“He was indeed a liberation struggle icon of our country and Africa as a whole, whose stewardship of the liberation struggle of this country is known to everybody, including the international community. He was a diplomat of goodwill who carried his assignment with dedication and love to free the people of Namibia from colonialism,” /Gaseb stressed.

“Today we are enjoying peace and tranquility because of his noble contributions in the crafting of the 

constitution that he presided over. We remember him as the President of the people. When he took office, he advocated for inclusivity and Harambee where he ensured that no Namibian should feel left out and all Namibians pull in one direction,” said /Gaseb.

Geingob died on 4 February 2024, in a hospital in Windhoek. 
