
President Pohamba is Walking His Talk

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It has literally taken one man to turn the whole na- tional psyche around and to rally and mobilise public opinion against corruption and to espouse the direct consequences of this evil. Unlike in other instances where there has been no clear cut role and leadership provided by those in positions of power to spearhead the campaign against HIV/Aids or drunken driving, the anti corruption crusade has slowly but surely gained momentum because of the role of one man – President Hifikepunye Pohamba. This should serve as a lesson to all honest and hard-working citizens of this nation. Upon his inauguration, the incumbent humbly pledged to lead by example and his vow was not a mere empty political promise, but was followed with deed. He has cut down the size of his motorcade and he has also travelled outside the country on scheduled flights – this despite the fact that he has the presidential jet at his disposal. We also understand that he is a man who lives modestly, simply and that he shuns opulence. The President has taken the lead by being at the forefront of the campaign against corruption instead of leading from the rear. Citizen Numero Uno is walking his talk. The president has galvanised and popularised the campaign against corruption and there is no turning back, while the dragnet slowly tightens on the riff-raff or rather the scum that sinfully thrives on this cancerous evil that erodes the very moral fabric of society. Namibians across the board are not only speaking out against the scourge of corruption but have begun to act against the evil with a wide array of weaponry at their disposal. Most interestingly, the recently launched Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) is reportedly already overwhelmed by whistle-blowers who are sounding the alarm. Whistle-blowers should be protected at all costs, as they will without an iota of doubt play a pivotal role in this praiseworthy effort. If necessary, they should be placed under programmes fashioned along the lines of a witness protection scheme. The ACC, headed by Paulus Noa is like a hammer that should drive a nail into the coffin of the scourge of corruption that should be eradicated and buried once and for all. Addressing one state gathering, the President assured the nation, saying the Swapo-led Government “is fully committed to addressing corruption with a sledge hammer”. We have no doubt that our President’s presidency would be associated with the legacy of having vigorously tackled corruption without any fear or favour for those characters standing accused of detestable practices and vices such as taking bribes. Graft manifests itself in many forms, such as soliciting financial favours before rendering a service for which one is paid. At the official launch this week of Namibia’s Zero Tolerance Against Corruption Campaign, the President did not beat about the bush as he vigorously urged the nation to conform to good governance, transparency, accountability and honesty. He further spurred those in positions of power to execute their duties diligently for the greater good of the nation and not for personal gain or profit. That the President has taken this anti-corruption crusade to another level is a cause for cheer and hope. Other politicians who could in turn address the issue of unemployment, abortion, spouse-bashing, HIV/Aids, drunk driving, prostitution, and moral degeneration among other topics too numerous to mention, should emulate this noble cause. Though former Zambian President Dr Kenneth Kaunda is in the country on a HIV/Aids awareness mission, New Era would like to see those in the political leadership spearheading this campaign with the same vigour the President is applying on graft. For instance, Deputy Prime Minister Dr Libertina Amathila has shown passion in her just fight championing the basic rights of the minority San people whose rights are normally trampled upon by others who are taking advantage of their ignorance. In that way, they would long be remembered for having championed a particular cause long after they have ceased to be political office bearers. Utterances made by men of giant intellect can stimulate thought, but there is a saying that action indeed speaks louder than words, as our politicians should surely walk their talk.