
Price increases in Mariental mass housing units

Home Business Price increases in Mariental mass housing units

By Hoandi !Gaeb

MARIENTAL – The prices of mass housing units currrently under construction at Mariental might skyrocket, because of the clay land surface on which the houses are being built.

The contractor says the land surface poses risks such as houses cracking, unless additional construction materials are used, an exercise that is likely to push up the initial cost of the housing units. However, it is standard procedure to use more steel, bricks and other building materials to construct new buildings at the town. Contractors briefed town councillors  about the problems they are experiencing during a visit to one of the the construction sites last week. Professor Yang Gantu, the managing director of the contracted company, AFRINA, along with Mariental mayor Alex Kamburute, town council Chief Executive Officer, Paul Nghiwilepo, as well as a representatives of the Regional Council, visited the construction sites to familiarise themselves with the construction process after numerous complaints about the quality of the housing units by the local community.

The methods applied presently  will  strengthen the foundations, but  will result in the houses being more expensive than those in other towns. The procedures followed so far are standard for  all buildings at the town, if quality is not to be compromised and future cracks in the houses are to be avoided. Professor Yang said at the occasion it will not be in the best interest of the project and the people of Mariental to compromise on quality by using cheaper methods during the construction process,  only to see  cracks in the houses a few years down the line. 

However, Kamburute expressed satisfaction with the progress  made and the quality of the units at the town, but was worried about the possibility that the houses may become white elephants if their prices are beyond the reach of ordinary citizens. He said the construction company has done an excellent job way beyond expectation and must be commended for  a job well done. Nghiwilepo also pointed out that the perception that the cost of construction at  Mariental will be the highest in the country, is a myth since all towns have their peculiar problems during construction, like Karasburg  in the //Karas Region which is a very rocky town. Meanwhile, Yang also announced at the same occasion that his Foundation is involved in numerous developmental projects in the Hardap Region, including financial support  for Governor Katrina Hanse-Himarwa’s backyard gardening project and has also donated funds for the best performing learners in the region. “We will continue to assist in the development of the Hardap Region in particular and the country in general,” he said.