
Principals Graduate in Leadership

Home Archived Principals Graduate in Leadership

By Anna Shilongo


In response to the need to support proactive, long-term and sustainable initiatives in the education sector, the Old Mutual Foundation has invested close to N$1,5 million in the leadership training of 150 principals over a period of three years.

The foundation committed itself to improving the leadership skills of principals in the country.

The training is conducted over 15 full days within one calendar year.

Principals are required to attend training for five consecutive days every 2-3 months. Further entailing extensive pre- and post-course reading materials, circulation of ongoing electronic information throughout the year and the writing of a comprehensive action plan.

“One-on-one interview sessions between nominated leaders and world-class course presenters for guidance and direction also takes place on an ongoing basis,” said the Chief Executive officer of Old Mutual Life Company, Raimund Snyders.

As a result, 17 principals who commenced their training in November last year graduated last week. This is however the first group of principals to graduate, while others are expected to follow soon.

They were trained in partnership with the African Leadership Institution. The participants were all drawn from 13 regions of the country.

Thus Snyder noted that his foundation would like to strengthen their ties with the African Leadership Institution in developing skills to cast vision, build strong teams, empower people and generate skills.

“Our objective remains to influence the hearts and minds of identified leaders, to ultimately know themselves, their calling and responsibilities, and then to accept ownership of their responsibilities and their roles in the development of Namibia,” he said.

The African Leadership Institution is a leadership programme that aims to equip, develop, empower and transfer skills and leadership knowledge to principals.

The institution transforms leaders with soft hearts to tough minds.

Towards the end of the training, participants are expected to make a positive difference in the community they live in as well as at their respective schools, by putting in practice what they have learned.

They are also required to pass on the knowledge of leadership to their teachers at their respective schools.

By 2010, the institution targets to train about 150 principals at government schools in the country.