
Public urged to cooperate with law enforcement

Home National Public urged to cooperate with law enforcement

Steven Klukowski

KEETMANSHOOP – Law enforcement officers should make firm, human and impartial decisions when enforcing adherence to Covid-19 regulations, whilst members of the public should also refrain from provoking them unnecessarily, police chief Sebastian Ndeitunga has said. 
Ndeitunga was speaking during a recent visit to one of the checkpoints in the //Kharas region with other service chiefs from the Namibian Defence Force, Namibian Correctional Service and Namibia Central Intelligence Service. 

“Specifically, we want to acquaint ourselves as heads of services on public adherence to Covid-19 measures, the success rate of the joint- operation and lastly on challenges experienced at these checkpoints,” he further elaborated. Ndeitunga then reminded the various officers to always respect the human dignity of the public when maintaining law and order. 

“Please do not brutalise your customers (public), rather protect their lives and properties,” he stressed. The police chief also said officers should use minimal force when people resist lawful arrests. He went on to say it became evident that security clusters in //Kharas region are working together harmoniously towards realising one common goal, namely preventing further spread of the coronavirus. 
“It was pleasant to observe that these officers fully understand their mission and furthermore how they are executing their duties to the book in a professional and courteous manner,” the chief said. Air Marshall Martin Pinehas, who heads the Namibian Defence Force, said all officers at checkpoints are indeed the first line of defence against coronavirus.

 “You must protect yourself and the Namibian nation as a whole against it,” he said. Pinehas strongly advised officers to ensure they know regulations put in place under the country’s state of emergency as declared by President Hage Geingob. “By doing so, you won’t end up in situations like mistreating members of the public due to a lack of knowledge on how to enforce such regulations.” Namibian Correctional Service (NCS) chief Raphael Hamunyela called on all officers involved in the joint-operation to be brave and not hesitate when executing their duties. “You should approach any situation professionally, without anger and in a polite way in your strive to defeat this invisible enemy (Covid-19),” he said.
– slukowski@nepc.com.na