Pupkewitz Nissan keeps SPCA wheels rolling

Home Front Page News Pupkewitz Nissan keeps SPCA wheels rolling

PUPKEWITZ Nissan is keeping the wheels rolling at the SPCA, and has joined the fray of caring motor dealers who have sponsored the full service of one of the SPCA’s rescue bakkies, which in this case is the ‘faithful’ Nissan 1400.

The  Nissan bakkie which underwent a full 60 000 kilometre service, is all set to go for another round of its duties, after the necessary parts such as brakes, air filter, spark plugs, oil change and check-up was completed.

Joseph Naimhwaka (SPCA Senior Cruelty Inspector) who received the vehicle from the workshop said that the SPCA would not be able to function properly without a proper running vehicle. “Our vehicles are expected to work hard, and they have to keep up with the demands of what we do, by reaching all corners of Windhoek as the need arises to save animals,” said Joseph Naimhwaka.

“The Nissan 1400 is a reliable little bakkie which has been going for many years at the SPCA, and is my main vehicle,” he added. “It is a good run around vehicle for me, which is light on fuel making it possible to go further on a tank, because weekly I clock up well over 500 kilometres.

“Our vehicles travel from corner to corner daily, fetching animals in distress, abused animals, attending cruelty inspections, dropping off injured dogs to private vets, as well as visiting the dump site twice a week to dispose of euthanized and dead dogs and cats.

“We are very grateful to Pupkewitz Nissan for assisting the SPCA with this vehicle’s service which plays such an important role in the day to day running of our operation because without our vehicles at the SPCA, we would be unable to help the animals.”

As one of the leading multi franchise dealers in the country, Pupkewitz Nissan prides itself in offering first class service to their customers and motorists, and was happy to assist the needs of the SPCA who drive their product.

“Pupkewitz Nissan was happy to support the good work of the SPCA, and to able to be of assistance in this way, by ensuring  that their Nissan vehicle is well taken care of,  to continue with its valuable work, and we will gladly support the SPCA again in future,” said Louis  Langford (GM Pupkewitz Nissan)

By Donna Collins