Qualified workforce essential for mining sector

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Qualified workforce essential for mining sector

The diamond industry is one that can indisputably offer a range of career options with rewarding incomes and opportunities that provide excellent job security. To assist individuals in studying in the diamond industry, various entities furnish courses and bursary schemes in relevant fields and initiatives. 

Contributing largely to Namibia’s economic output is the diamond industry and as an eminent dominion in the mining sector, this industry is big on recruiting a qualified workforce and creating opportunities to employment. 

“As a corporate citizen of this country, Namdia has a fundamental obligation to harness our human capital through education, thereby producing a competent workforce. Hence, our commitment to support the development of human capital is a very critical investment indeed,” said Lelly Usiku, acting Namdia CEO.

As such, Namdia encourages pursuing studies in fields for which it prescribes applications to successfully enter the diamond industry value chain as well as other relevant fields to gain an added advantage in selections for schemes and placements. Recommendations listed by Namdia include but are not limited to the fields of Data Analytics, Environmental Scientist, Industrial Engineering, Mining and Vocational Education Training.

Meanwhile, minister of higher education Itah Kandjii-Murangi has encouraged corporate Namibia to take heed and invest resources into youth empowerment initiatives. “Prioritising investment in initiatives such as access to tertiary education increases the potential of employment creation and guarantees a quality workforce. Through such prioritisation, we continue to pursue inclusive socio-economic growth and the requisite economic transformation to achieve the industrialisation goals enriched in Vision 2030,” she said. 

The higher education minister added that Namibia’s sovereignty over its natural resources has ensured the fruits of the nation’s resources benefit Namibian citizens. 

“In order to establish and sustain intergenerational equity, the government of the Republic of Namibia and corporate Namibia should continue to work together towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals and address the major development challenges faced by our people,” emphasised Kandjii-Murangi

Currently, the Namibian University of Science and Technology (NUST) offers a Mining and Process Engineering programme that includes elements from other disciplines including geology, metallurgy, accounting, economics and management. The programme offers learning concerned with “the safe, economic and environmentally sustainable recovery, processing and marketing of mineral resources from the earth.”

The University of Namibia (UNAM) offers a Science in Geology programme. This focuses on the study of the Earth, tackling “its origin, composition, characteristics, and processes”.