
You are in a race

Home Youth Corner You are in a race

Yes, this challenging yet beautiful human life is a big race. We all know that in a race contestants compete with each other for a certain race to be won. In life too, there are many races to be won depending on how you perform. But the difference between fun races and life race is that you are not competing against other people but against time. You are given a certain time to live and fulfil what you wish to fulfil. Obviously we do not know how long we are going to live, but whatever time we are given, we are supposed to do something meaningful with it. The race we are running in life against time is set up in such a way that if you do not do what you are supposed to do in the time given to you, you start being behind your biological clock which at some becomes frustrating. If you are not studying hard or working hard in whatever work you are given, you are going to end up being behind time. Not because your classmates are far ahead of you but rather because at that that time you were supposed to be doing something else.

When you have a task to do, do it the best way you know how and do not waste any time because once time is lost cannot be recovered. You should be aware of the time allocated to you to deliver certain results. Yes you are going to face difficulty and maybe fall at some part of the race. You are going to stumble and fall but you just have to pick yourself up and continue without wasting any time because time is very valuable. Falling is art of life, but it is not the end. However there is a difference between struggling and being lazy. Being lazy is lying around and wanting things to get done for you. No one’s going to do anything on your behalf. If someone does then they should get the credit not you.

What I am trying to bring across here is that you are given time to do specific tasks in life mostly according to our biological clocks and we should use that allocated time as wisely as we can. Time can never be bought back. The real race is not getting the number one spot (it is totally okay to be number one do not get me wrong), the race is being on time. Be on time in your academic work; be it homework, assignments or studying for exams. When you have a work assignment, do it on time. Work on yourself and get better with age. Be a better person than who you were the other day. Help those who are behind you reach their highest level. There is enough for all of us because we all do not want the same things. Time on the other hand tends to get ahead, do not be left behind because it s hard to catch up than to be on time.