
Radio personality publishes second book

Home Lifestyle Radio personality publishes second book

 Aletta Shikololo

WINDHOEK – Radio personality, motivational speaker and author, Otto Kapuka, on Wednesday released his second book entitled ‘Words, Results, and Action’. 
Kapuka told Entertainment Now! that his first book, entitled ‘Unleashing and Honouring Your Invisible Contract’, which was released last year was based on his personal life but ‘Words, Results and Action’ is not centred on his life story.
“I started writing because I want to leave something behind for my family and my next generation. One day when I’m no longer living, my work can still inspire many generations to come. I am doing it for legacy,” said Kapuka.
Regarding the content of the book, Kapuka said he wrote it to inspire people who are “struggling to overcome issues”. 
“Individuals may define what success means to them before they embark on that journey, which in return might save them money and time. However, the issues of procrastination, finding excuses, and inability to deal with failures have paralysed our dreams, leaving most of our projects in our minds, on papers, and computers without implementation,” said the motivational speaker. 
He added: “If you have projects that you want to implement or you’re in search of overcoming debts, emotional suffering victoriously, and trust issues, I urge you to read this book to help you put your words into action while achieving desired results, so be inspired and driven for actions. Let’s learn from each other and celebrate our uniqueness.”
Kapuka said even though literature is not taken seriously in Namibia, it is very important and he hopes that people will start supporting local authors.  
“Writers communicate to us their thoughts, ideologies, and feelings about certain matters that are close to their heart through words. All that is able to be documented and be available for many generations to come,” Kapuka said. 
He encouraged young Namibians to write for their generations not to perish because there is no knowledge. 
Kapuka also encouraged his fellow youth to stop take a step and build themselves and the nation at large.
“Complaining about resources and the leaders will not make a difference, let’s start with what we have and build on that. We have the capability. We can hold ourselves accountable on issues of absent fathers, alcohol abuse, rape, and gender-based violence. If we want to change, it must start with us as individuals and in our circle of friends,” he said.
Born and raised in Olwadhiya Village in the Omusati region, Kapuka said he will keep on writing and he hopes to start with the translation of his work into local dialects.