
Rape, attempted murder suspect professes innocence

Home Crime and Courts Rape, attempted murder suspect professes innocence

WINDHOEK – A man charged with 21 counts including rape, assault, housebreaking and attempted murder pleaded not guilty to all charges in the High Court in Windhoek on Monday. 

After the charges were read to him one by one, Pinias Kashawa answered not guilty to each and every charge through an interpreter.

State Advocate Palmer Khumalo who appears for the state then asked Judge Alfred Siboleka for a postponement to today as he still had to consult  state witnesses.

Judge Siboleka granted the postponement after the legal aid-appointed defence counsel Ndapewa Shipopyeni did not object to the request.

Kashawa faces three counts of housebreaking with intent to rob and robbery, one count of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft, two counts of assault with intent to do grievious bodily harm, two counts of assault by threat, five counts of rape, one count of attempted rape, and two counts of attempted murder alternatively negligent discharge or handling of a firearm.

In addition he also faces three counts of pointing of a firearm and one count each of possession of a firearm and ammunition without a licence.

It is alleged in the indictment that Kashawa, armed with a pistol, broke into a house at Okuryangava, approached three women in the house and threatened to shoot and kill them on November 25, 2009. He allegedly demanded money from them and robbed them of cash of N$45 and two cellphones.

It is further alleged he proceeded to rape one of the victims twice after tying her up with a rope and assaulting her with his fists in her abdomen.

It is further alleged that after he violated his first victim he went to another part of the house, but returned and attempted to rape the same lady again, but was thwarted by an alarm clock that rang and he fled from the house after he went and defiled another victim with his finger.

Not satisfied, he went back to the same house on April 17, 2010, after he broke into a house in One Nation Location in Windhoek on April 12, 2010, where he stole a pistol, a magazine with eight rounds, a Nokia 7100 cellphone, a Bloomwaldt phone, one pair of jeans, one wallet and one Namibian ID, according to the indictment.

Armed with the pistol he went back to the house in Okuryangava where he gained entry through forcing open a door and went to where another of the complainants – who may not be named to protect their identity – was sleeping and threatened her with the newly acquired firearm, the indictment reads.

He allegedly removed her clothing and had sexual intercourse with her without her consent whereafter he demanded money from her. He allegedly also searched the room, but when he did not find anything that he fancied he proceeded to the room in which the woman he raped in November the previous year was sleeping and tried to tie her up with a rope and when she resisted he allegedly assaulted her with the pistol.

The indictment further states that Kashawa again threatened the victim that he would shoot her and she handed him a cellphone, a cellphone charger, a necklace and a ten-year Nampol service medal before running away screaming.

Kashawa then allegedly went to another house in Okuryangava where he again forced open a closed door and threatened another of his victims with the pistol and demanded money from her.

This victim handed Kashawa cash of N$500 and a cash box upon threats with the firearm and after he left the house of his latest victim he allegedly encountered Poniso Shiyukwa who was standing outside his house.

The indictment states that Kashawa fired a shot at Shiyukwa intending to kill him and a police officer who was summoned to the scene, Fredinard Nghiliganye, heard the shot and went in that direction. It is further alleged Kashawa then shot at the police officer who returned fire and wounded Kashawa who fell to the ground upon which he was arrested and a bolt cutter, the 7.65mm pistol and a cash box were found next to him.


By Roland Routh