Record crowd expected at Lüderitz crayfish festival

Home International Record crowd expected at Lüderitz crayfish festival


Lüderitz Crayfish Festival visitors who have not yet secured accommodation at the coastal town could end up looking for alternative accommodation at private residences that have opened their doors to house the expected high number of visitors.

This is in light of the fact that many hotels and bed-and-breakfast facilities are already fully booked by crayfish festivalgoers.

Henry Meintjies, of Haus Henry accommodation in Lüderitz, told New Era they are fully booked for April 29 to May 2. Most of the bookings were made months in advance. “I have one hundred people on the waiting list,” he elaborated.

Timo Kalongo of Timo’s Guest House said they have run out of space as the majority of their clients made reservations in January already.

Lüderitz Nest Hotel and Protea Hotel told New Era they have already been fully booked for the festival since last month.

The 9th Lüderitz Crayfish Festival is scheduled take place on April 29 to May 2.

Lüderitz Town Council PRO Johanna Ileka indicated that the preparations for the festival are going well, and they continue to receive inquiries every day.

“Exhibition registrations continue to stream in daily.  However, the committee is concerned about the limited accommodation in town as all formal accommodation places were fully booked by end of February 2016. We are however grateful to private residents that have opened their doors to our visitors to lease out their houses during the festival,” said Ileka.

Ileka confirmed that currently over 222 corporate exhibitors and SMEs have already paid and are expected to arrive at Lüderitz from April 29.

She indicated they are expected to receive more guests, especially for the official programme that will take place from April 30, which will be attended by the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Bernard Esau.

Other prominent figures such as the minister of finance and his deputy, as well as regional and local political leaders, are also expected to be in attendance.

Ileka called on the residents of Lüderitz to work together with the Lüderitz Town Council in ensuring guests are provided with good and safe accommodation for a memorable stay.

“As you might be aware, Lüderitz is in the finals for the town of the year competition. We wish to thank our residents for their patriotism and equally urge them to retain the good image our town enjoys. We look forward to having our visitors and festival participants,” said Ileka.