Red-letter day for NFA Elective Congress … presidential candidates must put their best foot forward

Home Sports Red-letter day for NFA Elective Congress … presidential candidates must put their best foot forward

Destiny is by choice, just as a farmer resolves what he may wish to plant in order to realize his objectives of what he may wish to harvest at a later stage.
This is just one of the most important messages we need to programme into our skulls or rather that pocket of grey substance holed up between our ears, simply called brains.

Yours truly has been following with keen interest the rumblings and maneuverings in the run-up to this weekend’s much anticipated Namibia Football Association (NFA) Elective Congress – ranging from bribery of officials to scary accusations of voters manipulation.

So far, my personal assessment is that the NFA outgoing president John Muinjo has left an insurmountable mountain to scale for his potential successors. As it stands, Namibian football looks likely to go the wrong way with whoever is to be selected for the plum seat if the ongoing shenanigans are anything to go by.

Don’t kill the goose that lays the golden eggs

Well, the grapevine has it that should Haikali become the new sheriff at Football House occupying Namibia’s much sought-after sports seat – heads are going to roll at the NFA Directorate. I would humbly caution or rather request those entertaining such ill-advised aspirations and ideas to get sober, wake up and smell the java!

This outdated philosophy of an eye for an eye and tooth for tooth is really bad as it leaves everybody blind – can we imagine the blind leading the blind? I’m just asking.
Given the turn of nasty events unfolding ahead of tomorrow’s envisaged NFA Elective Congress, yours truly is wondering whether these elections will be free and fair for both parties in terms of the allocated timeframe for the candidates to freely champion the campaigns vigorously and unhindered, so to speak.

People talk about changes and all that jazz, but alas, one thing that yours truly has learned about the inner dealings of football in my close to three decades of gathering sports news (reporting) is that votes are not garnered through the spoken tongue.

Intelligent blokes clad in blue suits have developed a habit of teaming up with self-styled football gurus, making it their sole beat to discuss the merits and demerits of the game, be it in pubs or on street corners these okes demonstrate brilliant ideas on how to take the game forward. But this is all where it ends, period!

The crux of the matter is that the real McCoys of the game of football are the invincible bunch of NFA affiliates – the regions will have a final say as to in whose hands Namibian football should be entrusted.

That’s the unfortunate reality of the game every single confirmed Namibian citizen that follows football with a passion never experienced before in other social activities in our neck of the woods.

In all honesty, the two NFA presidential candidates are yet to convince yours truly with their genuine intentions to run for the county’s most wanted recreational seat. This trend and “traak my nie agtige” approach has certainly left yours truly skating dangerously on extremely thin ice, obviously with many more questions than answers.

In conclusion, let us stop the usual hogwash and threats so easily thrown at those who are perceived to belong to rival groups and camps, primarily aimed at reprisals and all that nonsense.

It should be well consumed that football is not a public institution with some hoity-toity blokes now having become a law unto themselves falsely propelled by their misplaced self-entitlement to positions within the NFA structures. I rest my case.