Referees cry foul over unpaid dues …Goseb accused of preferential treatment

Home Sports Referees cry foul over unpaid dues …Goseb accused of preferential treatment

Money matters… Football referees are anxiously waiting for their outstanding match fees three weeks after officiating in the Debmarine Namibia Cup. This photo is for illustration purpose only.

Carlos Kambaekwa

It never rains, but only pours for the troubled Namibia Football Association (NFA). The country’s leading referees are up in arms over large amounts of money the national football governing body owes them for their involvement in the lucrative Debmarine Namibia Cup last 32.

The whistle men are fed up of being made to wait for their outstanding match fees, including money they spent on accommodation, travelling and meals while on duty for the much sought-after national knockout cup competition, the equivalent of the English FA Cup.

“It’s almost three weeks now since completion of the round of 32 and those entrusted to release the money are playing the cat and mouse game with us,” the men in black uniform said, adding that they are fed up of being sent from pillar to post by the NFA hierarchy.

Tim Isaacs, the acting accounting officer at Football House, vehemently shot down the allegations. “It’s true, referees are owned money from the Debmarine Namibia Cup but its only match fees that is outstanding since all the other expenses were taken care of by the association.”

He said Debmarine, as principal sponsor, takes care of all expenses incurred upon receiving submissions of verified claims and invoices in that regard.

“Some of the submitted claims were totally incomplete because the company would not issue cash cheques, they strictly do electronic money transfer.

“Sadly, the company only makes payment on Fridays, and I’ve been informed everything has been processed and the referees will receive their outstanding money on Friday,” charged an irritated Isaacs.

However, the aggrieved referees refuted Isaacs’ claims maintaining that they spent their own money for accommodation, transport and meals.

In another twist, the national referees coordinator, Absalom Goseb, was not spared the rod, as the stocky former whistle man, stands accused of preferential treatment towards descendants from his tribe when it comes to allocation of high profile matches.

“That’s nonsense! I’m Damara speaking and there is no single Damara-speaking referee in our set up. We have two Nama-speaking referees and they are both FIFA Accredited match officials with very little peers in the domestic league. So, what’s the argument all about here?”