
Reformed evangelical church elects assistant bishop 

Reformed evangelical church elects assistant bishop 

ONGWEDIVA – Nelson Ndakevondjo (34) was elected as assistant bishop of the Reformed Evangelical Anglican Church of Namibia (REACH-Namibia) last month. The election took place on a ‘yes or no’ basis. 

Ndakevondjo’s nomination received an overwhelming ‘yes’ vote, declaring him duly and lawfully-elected. He assumes the title of Bishop-Elect until his consecration. The electoral procedure was chaired by Bishop Lukas Katenda and overseen by Silas Kishi-Shakumu, the Chancellor of REACH-Namibia.

He will be consecrated on a date and at a place to be announced in due course. REACH-NAMIBIA is an Anglican denomination within reformed and evangelical tradition of the Global Anglican Church. 

REACH Namibia is an extension of the same denomination in South Africa called REACH-South Africa.  In an interview with New Era yesterday, the bishop-elect said he will focus on using his time and resources to reach out to people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
“I am a shepherd of God’s flock, a leader in the local church shepherding, namely calling the people of God to God and then protecting them against wrong and false teachings. In this I will be teaching God’s word, and indeed administer sacraments according to the order of Christ Jesus,” he stressed.

“My immediate human reaction is a feeling of insufficiency, yet hopeful that God’s will cannot take us where his grace cannot sustain us,” he said.  “This statement by Pastor Billy Graham comforts me greatly because it speaks to God’s able hand to sustain me. Servants of God over the years were successful because God’s hand was upon them. I trust that if this was God’s call as I believe it to be, then His hand will be able to sustain me in this task.”
He further mentioned REACH-Namibia’s success stories, such as the testimonies of numerous people who have responded to the gospel, and have become true Christians.

“One thing worthy of mention is our ability to draw more young men and women to the work of gospel ministry. About 30 of them are going through theological/biblical/pastoral training at various institutions with an aim to become gospel workers,” the man of cloth preached.
The man of God then called on all REACH-Namibia members to keep in mind the task before them, which is to reform, transform broken souls, families and societies. 

“We cannot take it across until we get it right. My call is to read our Bibles to get it right, and pray that God help or enable us through the Holy Spirit to get it across. We cannot bring about transformation if we ourselves are not transformed. Let us continue in this Jesus project of personal relationship with him, enjoy this relationship before we tell others about the beauty of the same,” he continued.
In addition, after his ordination, Ndakevondjo, was appointed as a curate working alongside the outspoken Katenda in Windhoek. 
