Remembering Africa’s liberation icons

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Former Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe died in Singapore on September 6, 2019.
As Africa mourns the passing of the liberation struggle icon, many especially the younger generation have a lot to learn from his work and role in the emancipation of not only Zimbabwe, but many African countries.
The fact that Mugabe fought for Zimbabwe’s freedom, independence and land is enough reason to remember and mourn him sincerely.
Life is a precious gift from God.

To know that Mugabe unselfishly chose to put his life on hold and ensure that we all continue to enjoy privileges and freedoms is something humans must never wish to bury under the sand.
Heroes come and go, but those that are born and liberate us from slavery and death, ought not to be forgotten.

At the moment all African nations seem to have someone who once fought for their freedom. African countries should unite and set aside a special month and day when as a continent come together thanking God in prayers, and rejoicing for the lives of their respective heroes.

It is thus important for the continent to continue remembering icons and founding fathers like Mugabe, [Sam Nujoma], Julius Nyerere, etc, Zimbabweans should take the lead.
A good example is what Sadc has done.

Sadc countries declared October 25 as solidarity day against illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe and resolved to conduct various activities in their respective countries on that day to resoundingly call for the immediate removal of the sanctions.

It is a good initiative that can be expanded to other areas.
Mugabe’s family agreeing that he should be buried at the National Heroes Acre is one way in which Zimbabwe’s present and future generations can remember him.

They can learn of his work and that of other heroes during tours of the National Heroes Acre.
Sad is some disgruntled members of the G40 cabal were against the idea of the liberation war hero being buried at the national shrine and wanted to take all this away from the people.
They tried everything they could through social media to sell their own negative narrative and creating stories that Mugabe was in exile when he died. Yet, in actual fact, the state has been paying his medical bills.

What they forget is Mugabe is not just Zimbabwe’s hero but Africa’s liberator, and many on the continent are aware of his huge contributions.

If some people chose to play politics and not show their sympathy as his body lay in state, how will those who are hurt by his passing mourn him as father and founder of Zimbabwe in years to come?
Some Zimbabwean’s especially those who seek controversy in death need to be gently reminded.
If those alive had an opportunity to share good and sad moments with Mugabe and yet can’t speak of his legacy today, then how do they expect their children and grandchildren to write history of their nation particularly that of the country’s liberation and independence?

C Mugabe’s life and death must, however, help reunite the nation and not divide it.
No one is righteous, and Mugabe just like anyone else had his rights and wrongs.
It is important to remember that he gave his all and fought for Zimbabwe’s freedom hence he deserves everyone’s final respect. The Herald