
Remembering departed sport legend Alpheus Kuiri Kaomo Kahorongo …aka “Quicks”

Home Sports Remembering departed sport legend Alpheus Kuiri Kaomo Kahorongo …aka “Quicks”

At times, we never realize or more so appreciate those close to us when they are still alive – only to be awakened with regret and sorrows when we realise their real value and commitment when they have already gone the way of all flesh.
Namibian sport, football in particular is a great indebted to this departed bulky sport anchor. In today’s edition of your favourite sport feature Tales of the Legends, New Era Sport takes you our esteemed reader through the untold journey of the veteran broadcaster, the late Kuiri Kaomo Kahorongo.


Carlos “CK” Kambaekwa

WINDHOEK – The late radio Otjiherero (Omurari) sport anchor Kaomo Kahorongo was a cut from a different cloth. The bulky announcer would made listeners seat and have their ears glued to their cheap small FM radios as he narrates live sport gatherings across the length of the country.
Bro Quicks, interest in sport developed at a very young age as a footballer for unfashionable old location outfit Celtics Football Club. The team was called into life by frustrated fringe players from African Stars unable to carve themselves places open in the team’s starting lineup.
The majority of the playing personnel were students and young schoolteachers under the stewardship of Gift Kapenda Kazombuae. Other notable prominent names were; Noag Mieze and Theo Hohova Ndisiro.
And by the time the South African apartheid regime resolved to introduce indigenous radio stations for Bantus (blacks) in the early 70’s – bro Quicks was amongst the maiden intakes. The easy-going sport crazy beefy socialite shifted behind the microphone entertaining listeners with tales about athletes and sport institutions.
He was the first local radio announcer to mastermind an outside live football broadcast when the South West Africa (SWA) Bantu Invitational Eleven won the South African Provincial Impala Cup in Soweto, Johannesburg at the packed to rafters Orlando stadium in 1974.
Bro Quicks would go onto become a household name. Many sport lovers, football followers in particular would always have their ears glued to their respective cheap FM radios whenever watching live football matches just the listen to bro Quicks’ commentary and match analyses.
The author is a touch deal of gratitude indebted to bro Quicks. It’s still raw in my memory how he used to drag me out of by desk in the SWAUK Music Library where I was employed as a music compiler.
He encouraged me to take up sport reporting and would force me to present sport news on national radio and as they say, the rest is history. Bro Quicks will be best remembered for his passion for football, boxing and most importantly for his impartiality.
Nonetheless, his undying affection and admiration for “Omeya” (Blue Waters FC) would often get him in trouble with fans from the rival teams who accused him of bias. His popularity grew in stature and it was no surprise when he was deservedly elected chairman of the newly formed Namibia Sport and Media Association (Namsa).
In later years, bro Quicks was elevated to the position of senior sport producer with the revamped NBC Sport desk. Some of his new colleagues were; Sebastian Kamungu, Dave Salmon, Don Shipanga, Helge Schutz under the stewardship of Stuart Super.
Sadly, the likeable sport anchor took gravely ill and was forced into early retirement. He battled diabetes and was subsequently confined to a wheelchair after both his legs have to be amputated to ease the pain while also losing sight in both eyes.
Bro Quicks finally succumbed to the deadly decease in December 2002. He was buried at the Pionierspark grave yard south of Windhoek. Bro Quicks, you may be gone to be reunited with your ancestors but your legacy will live on forever in the minds of sport enthusiasts.


Comrades in communication… Kaomo (far left – standing) with the Namibia Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) football team back in the day 1991. Standing from left: Kaomo Kahorongo (+d), Sackey Namungongo (+d), Lindsay Scott, (unidentified), Dudley Viall, Carlos “CK” Kambaekwa, Gottlieb “Tjingombue” Keja (+d) Stevo Kotze, Charles Mubita, John Mutonga (+d) (unidentified). Front row from left: Dave Webster, //Naru Geingob, Juku Tjazuko, Effat “Zuma” Tjiurutue, Sebastian Kamungu, (unidentified). NB: (+d) Deceased.