
Research Council undertakes in-house training on data collection

Home Business Research Council undertakes in-house training on data collection
Research Council undertakes in-house training on data collection


The National Commission on Research, Science and Technology (NCRST), in partnership with the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), is conducting a week-long training workshop on data collection with the aim of producing Research and Development (R&D), as well as Innovation Indicators for the country.

Speaking at the opening ceremony Dr Diina Shuuluka, of the NCRST said: “During this workshop, participants will explore current best practices on the production of internationally comparable Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) data, and will also share lessons learnt from previous STI surveys carried out at national level.

“The process will help national STI experts in the process of collecting and analysing data towards the production of core indicators at national level.” The workshop, which is being held at the University of Namibia until July 16, 2015, will train experts on R&D Development, data collection, and other related guidelines to produce core STI indicators.

The workshop will provide training on the production of core Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Indicators, as part of the process leading to the publication of regular national reports on STI statistics and indicators, which will in turn track the 1 per cent target of R&D expenditure of GDP.

The aim of the in-country training is to impart skills for the successful conduct of R&D and Innovation surveys among officials dealing with scientific research and innovation activities, as well as experts involved in STI matters.

A further stakeholder meeting is scheduled for July 17, 2015.