Resettled wants to be resettled again

Home Special Focus Resettled wants to be resettled again

WELGEMOED – A 71-year-old woman, Maria Rooi, who weeks ago was among nine landless people asking government to resettle them, was found to already own a resettlement farming unit.

New Era visited Farm Welgemoed in Windhoek Rural constituency a few weeks ago where they found Rooi among nine families seeking to be resettled by government.
An investigation by government officials found that Rooi already owned a farming unit in the constituency. She was in 2013 allocated a farming unit, Unit A, on one of the government’s resettlement farms in the constituency to live with her extended family.
New Era and the officials from the Ministry of Lands and Resettlement visited Rooi on her ressetlement farm on Wednesday this week where they found her sitting in front of her house.
It is not clear whey Rooi joined the nine other families seeking resettlement, with some community members blaming a language barrier for communicating wrongly that Rooi had not been resettled.