
Resources belong to Namibians – Shaningwa

Resources belong to Namibians – Shaningwa

ETAYI – Swapo secretary general Sophia Shaningwa has unambiguously stated that Namibia’s natural resources belong to Namibians, and those who wish to invest in the country must do so on their terms.

This, she said, will be explicitly stated in the Swapo manifesto, to be launched next month.

She made these remarks during the opening of Swapo’s district office at Etayi at the weekend.

“With their money, machinery and everything, we need a win-win situation, whereby Namibians must also benefit from their own resources,” Shaningwa noted.

She said it’s the norm worldwide, and “you cannot give away resources like that.”

“Those who are coming with money are coming with their money, but the resources should be eaten by the nation so that we develop our country, and share them with everyone in the country. Having said that, that is what we are going to do, and there is no excuse. 

And we are unapologetic to say the resources of this country must be shared,” she stressed.

The Swapo SG further said Namibians cannot continue benefitting as little as 10% from its resources, while the rest is shipped out of the country. 

“It does not work like that,” the former Omusati regional governor told the crowd.


Swapo will launch its election manifesto on 14 September, Shaningwa informed her audience, mainly made up of party loyalists.
The party’s presidential candidate, Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, will be the keynote speaker at the manifesto launch, and she (VP) is actively involved in the crafting of the party’s election manifesto.

“We will change for the better. Nandi-Ndaitwah, she tells you what she thinks is right for Namibians,” Shaningwa said.

She added that once Nandi-Ndaitwah is elected into power, she will not rule alone, but as part of a collective.


While touring the Omusati region, Shaningwa could not help but be awe-struck by Swapo flags dominantly hoisted on the trees lining the road, as election season reaches fever pitch.

“This time we [will] reclaim our two-thirds majority in Parliament. Do not let our Swapo Party be defeated by people who have no history,” she said, adding that “Swapo is here to stay.”.

In the 2019 elections, Swapo lost its two-thirds majority when it lost 14 seats in the National Assembly.

Omusati Swapo regional coordinator Sacky Kayone at the same event said “as the Swapo Party, we are at a good political stage in the Omusati region. I assure you that the day we host a star rally in our region, the electricity of the opposition parties will go off.”


Shaningwa said party members should not eat food from people [opposition parties] they do not know.

“Those who are going to represent us on 27 November, please do not eat anything you get from people you do not know. We will try our best to give you something to chew, so do not eat,” she advised.

The politician furthermore encouraged Namibians to go in large numbers on 27 November to vote for Nandi-Ndaitwah and Swapo.

She also urged them to check for their voter’s cards every morning to make sure they have not lost them.

At the gathering, hundreds of Swapo T-shirts were distributed among the members, including children.


