
Retired general donates laptops to school

Home National Retired general donates laptops to school

NGOMA – Retired Brigadier-General Fredrick Siluzungila whose last call of duty was as military advisor at the UN headquarters in York, USA recently donated soccer balls, netballs, uniforms and laptops worth over N$20 000 to Ngoma Primary and Isuswa Junior Primary School in Zambezi Region.

The highly decorated army general was commended by the cluster head who is also the principal of Mafwila Senior Secondary School, Sisamu Muzamayi who said the generous donation will go a long way to help Namibian children at the two schools given the prevailing economic hardships.

On his part, the retired brigadier-general who was among the tens of thousands of Namibians who took up arms in Angola to fight for the liberation of their motherland gave a motivational speech to encourage learners to take up their studies seriously as they prepare for the end-of-year exams.

The retired Brigadier-General is a former learner at the two schools before he went to exile in Angola.
Siluzungila also once served as the Commandant of the Military School in Okahandja and his illustrious military career also saw him once appointed as Deputy Army Commander.