
Retired prisons chief proudly honoured

Home National Retired prisons chief proudly honoured

TSUMEB – The Minister of Safety and Security, Immanuel Ngatjizeko yesterday led a ceremony in which retired prisons commissioner general Evaristus Shikongo had the Farm Scott prison near Tsumeb named after him.

The prison is situated about 25km north of Tsumeb and is a productive farming facility that produces fruit and vegetables for use by the prisons service. Inmates are also taught various skills for use once they leave prison to reintegrate with the society.

Shikongo was at the helm of correctional services for more than 18 years.

“The years of service are in themselves confirmation of Shikongo’s dedication in implementing government’s aspirations and serving the Namibian nation,” said Ngatjizeko.

“He took on the challenge of leading the correctional service, which inherited its operations from a colonial era, and turned it into a dignified service led by virtue. This is a lasting tribute to an exemplary man who was dedicated to his job and who possessed so many qualities to which we should all aspire: these are kindness, devotion and dedication to service,” said Ngatjizeko.

It was in light of his dedication and hard work that the Ministry of Safety and Security decided that the excellent work of Shikongo would not go unrecognized and should be acknowledged by generations to come through the renaming of the Farm Scott prison after him.

Ngatjizeko encouraged all Namibians to do whatever they do to the best of their ability so that they too can be rewarded for their hard work accordingly. He urged Namibians who find themselves as guests of the state at the correctional facility to work hard at becoming better and productive citizens.

“This is no longer a prison where you just keep people who have been arrested, it has changed and is correcting the lives of people who are incarcerated, improving their lives. At the end of the day when they leave they become useful citizens contributing to the growth and development of the nation,” said Ngatjizeko.

The minister cited the completion of the newly named Evaristus Shikongo Correctional Facility as one of Shikongo’s many accomplishments and evidence of his vision as well as his capacity to complete major projects for the benefit of the government.

“It is hence fitting to dedicate this facility in his honour as he has served the Namibian government with distinction and left a legacy that is worth remembering,” said Ngatjizeko.

Ngatjizeko said the facility’s new name should create a general feeling of belonging for all Namibians because it captures “the achievements of creating a context of relevance for all”.

The retired commissioner general was clearly elated and in disbelief as he praised President Hifikepunye Pohamba for the honour bestowed upon him.

“It is very hard for me to believe the achievements we are celebrating, this honour means a lot to me and my family. It humbles me sincerely to receive them at a special official function attended by so many senior and junior officers. I receive this honour today with deep gratitude and great humility. I am delighted and proud to have contributed to the Namibian government through my various capacities. Hard work pays as you have witnessed today,” said an overjoyed Shikongo.


By John Travolter Matali