
Rising to the occasion for Sanjo

Home National Rising to the occasion for Sanjo

Dr Nchabi Kamwi

A few years ago, I was approached by management and staff of Sanjo Senior Secondary School in Zambezi Region to serve as its patron. I have much interest in education for I believe it’s key to success. I accepted the responsibility with a condition of joining a hardworking team. Loco-inspection of the school at the time revealed an ailing infrastructure which needed renovation. 

Together with the team at Sanjo we engaged the education directorate in the region appealing for immediate attention. I even spoke to my colleagues, then persuading them to do something, for learners were at risk due to falling ceilings and or walls. It had since been considered as a priority. 

However, the word priority had not been realized to date. In view of a planned reunion of former learners and fundraising dinner at the school as patron, I decided to revisit the school for a loco-inspection. Sanjo SSS remains in a sorry state. Things are falling apart: ceilings, walls, floors, so-called offices are in shambles, true dilapidation! The environment is certainly not conducive for learning. 

Kudos to principal and team for the great idea: Reunion and fundraising. My word of advice; it’s your day, the alumni, recalling your days which you speak with eloquence, fond memories, rain and drought, praise be to Jahwe for your hard work turned into success. During your time, Sanjo looked like Windhoek High of today, as a result, it produced excellent results. 

It’s a fact Government is experiencing an economic downturn resulting in a sorry state of affairs in almost all social institutions. We cannot wait for the day of reckoning economically but have to think out of the box and serve the most vulnerable groups of our society, the Namibian child who looks to us for a better tomorrow. 

I look forward to meeting you the great minds of Sanjo with great anticipation as you move around the dilapidated Sanjo; let’s ponder deep and turn around the low morale of learners and staff into hope for Sanjo that was and even better for a bright future for the Namibian child toiling for a better tomorrow. It pains me for am not doing enough for what I fought for all my life, changing our lifestyle for the better tomorrow. Let’s consider digging deep into our pockets and show commitment to a good cause. 

Always remember, it’s never too late until it’s done. Let’s show our guests that while we need their support, we are indeed in the forefront of this exercise. I will be there and pray to the living God to guide me in joining you, digging deep into my pockets for the Namibian child in Sanjo SSS. With all my very best wishes for a successful 26 July, 2019 Sanjo Day!