Robbers in police uniforms rob Nandos

Home Special Focus Robbers in police uniforms rob Nandos

WALVIS BAY – Three suspects masquerading as policemen allegedly robbed a Nandos outlet at Walvis Bay of N$40 000 on Sunday morning.

Confirming the robbery Chief Inspector, John Mwatongwe from the Police at Walvis Bay said the incident occurred about 09h00 in the morning shortly before Nandos opened for business.

The fast food outlet is situated along the busy Sam Nujoma Avenue opposite Spar Supermarket.

Mwatongwe told New Era on Monday the incident happened while the manager of Nandos, and one of his employees were making final preparations to open the outlet for business.

The three suspects kitted in police uniforms allegedly knocked on the sliding door and signalled to the manager to open its doors.

“Just as they entered, one of the suspects apparently pulled out a pistol and demanded for money from the safe. The manager allegedly removed the N$40 000 from the safe and handed it over to the suspects who then handcuffed him,” Mwatongwe explained.

According to him the suspects also took two phones and cash of N$800 from the manager before they fled from the shop. The manager then managed to alert G4S security that arrived shortly and removed the handcuffs from the manager and they alerted the police. Mwatongwe says nobody has been arrested yet for the crime and the police investigation continues.

“We are busy scrutinising all details as some of the events are not adding up. Why would they have that much money in a safe is also not clear. As a business they should have a drop safe whereby only the security company that does their banking has access to. It’s very risky to have such amounts of money laying around,” he said.

According to Mwatongwe it is still unclear as to how the suspects got away from the scene. One of the employee that was outside when the crime happens also did not notice any getaway car.