Rö ss i ng Ur a n ium and the Mineworkers Union of Namibia (MUN) Rössing Branch Executive Committee (BEC) have concluded negotiations for salary increments from 2024 to 2026.
The three-year wage agreement was signed on 18 January 2024 for the relevant bargaining unit employees, namely Grade 1 to 11 and L Band. The agreement provides Grade 1 to 11 employees with a 7% increase in 2024, 6% in 2025, and 6% in 2026.
T h e L – B a n d employees will receive a 7% increase in 2024, 6% in 2025, and 6% in 2026.
S p e a k i n g a t the signing of the agreement, Rössing Uranium’s employee relations’ advisor Lana Maletzky expressed gratitude to the MUN Branch Executive team for the mature and constructive manner in which they conducted themselves in exploring all options towards an amicable conclusion of the wage negotiations.
“This agreement secures increment for employees for the next three years which indeed is a milestone, wi th both par t i e s sharing a common understanding of the challenges facing the business.
The parties also agreed to the renewing of procedural and related agreements within the next three months,” she added.
MUN Rö s s i n g branch cha i rman Stanslaus limbondi expressed appreciation to both parties for having reached an amicable solution. He noted that as partners, they aimed to achieve one goal, making sure that employees are working in a conducive environment.
“The trade union is there to protect and advance the interest of its members by negotiating working conditions in the best interest of its members.
We tried to conclude the wage negotiations in the shortest possible time, and urge both parties to maintain mutual relations,” said limbondi.