Rotarians gather for annual conference at Lüderitz

Home National Rotarians gather for annual conference at Lüderitz

Tuulikki Abraham

LÜDERITZ – Over 200 Rotarians and guests last week enjoyed four days of the annual Rotary District Conference held recently at Lüderitz.

Rotary international President’s personal representative Brenda Cressey, former Miss Universe Michelle McLean- Bailey, Chris British of Surface and Extreme Adventure and Trustee of Save the Rhino Trust Michael Leech where among those present.

Secretary of Rotary Club at Lüderitz, Erich Looser reiterated every year is the privilege for one of the district’s rotary clubs to host the annual conference. The official program started on Thursday evening with a meet-and-greet.
Under a clear sky, the attendees were treated to a display of fire dancers and a plate of renowned seafood paella.
On Friday morning, the ultimate Making A Difference (MAD) conference started with the usual plenary session led by the incoming district governor Casper Kruger introducing his vision for the new year under the slogan “Be the inspiration.”

Namibia, Angola and Western Cape, South Africa fall under the same Rotary district which, for the past year was headed by District Governor Lynette Stassen from South Africa.
She was also responsible for the last part of the conference with the ever-witty MC Andre duToit keeping attendees entertained and interested.

A good mix of business and interesting talks kept everyone entertained. This was only interrupted by tea breaks and delicious lunches prepared by the hotel staff under the watchful eye of a manager at a local hotel, Ulf Grunewald.
Lüderitz Deputy Mayor Brigitte Fredericks brought a special word of welcome to all guests who were treated to a sumptuous finger buffet of crayfish, oysters and other delicacies.

Saturday morning started early, but other than, that attendees became one team and were eager to hear more especially, when it came to celebrating Rotary’s humanitarian achievements. The atmosphere was joyous as speakers shared from their heart unbelievable stories of overcoming and eventual success.  The proceedings ended with a Hollywood- style price giving to Rotary clubs that were excellent in various categories of MAD.

The evening saw everyone departing for the nostalgic Casino hall at Kolmanskop to be yet again wined and dined by a feast of local seafood and other specialties.

Swingers band from Windhoek and the LED-light show ladies and local carnival dancers entertained guests. It did not take long and the dance floor was crowded by revellers, young and old. By midnight, the last bus left for Lüderitz with all who attended agreeing this was the ultimate conference.
Rotarians showed once more that they can fellowship and make a difference in their respective communities and district by caring with service above self.