
Rotary club donates equipment to Lüderitz Karate Club

Home Sports Rotary club donates equipment to Lüderitz Karate Club

Lüderitz – The Karate Club of Lüderitz got a massive shot in arm when members of the Rotary Club of Lüderitz last week handed over karate tatami mats to the club.

The equipment donated by the Lüderitz Rotary Club in conjunction with their European counterparts, the Rotary Club of Bochold in Germany is valued at N$68 040.00. During the handing over ceremony, the sponsors’ representative Ulf Grunewald said Sensei Bonnie Kabozu approached the Rotary Club of Lüderitz last year requesting the club for assistance in the form of new karate tatami mats.

Kabozu applauded both the Rotary Club of Lüderitz and their German counterparts for donating the karate tatami mats that will be used for training sessions and the Karate championship gatherings in the town.

He said karate teaching is based on the core traditional values and the codes of Bushido (way of Samurai) hereunder: 
“Do not emphasize, concentrate on the championships. It work on daily needs and motivate that integrity, respect, courage, honour, compassion, self-discipline, dedication and loyalty.”

 “We need to keep the club alive in order to keep the kids off the streets, as karate will support single mothers raising, ‘do not emphasize, concentrate on the championships. It work on daily needs and motivate that, integrity, respect, courage, honour, compassion, self-discipline, dedication and loyalty’.”

Kabozu further explained that being in a town with inadequate sporting activities, karate played a massive role in keeping many young children off the streets or worse still, refraining from abuse of illegal substances and alcohol.