
Rotary upgrades kindergarten in Lüderitz

Home National Rotary upgrades kindergarten in Lüderitz


The Lüderitz Rotary Club availed N$200 000 for the upgrading of Happy Generation Kindergarten from a single classroom to two classrooms.

Happy Generation Kindergarten accommodates 80 children also used the money donated by Rotary to construct three toilets and a new playground. While educational toys as well as a printer were also procured for the kindergarten. 

President-elect for the Lüderitz Rotary Club, Reinard Cloete said Fenni Lunguti, the principal of Happy Generation Kindergarten approached the club in early 2014 appealing for funds to have their kindergarten upgraded. Cloete indicated primary education is one of the aims of Lüderitz Rotary Club, therefore he urged teachers to look after the upgraded facility.

With that facility Cloete encouraged teachers not to relax but to shape the future leaders by preparing them for primary education.  At the same event Cloete also appealed to teachers to promote Happy Generation Kindergarten to show them what difference they can make in a child ‘s education, in order to attract more people to know that kindergarten. The upgraded building was handed over on May 28, 2015 they later handed over the upgraded playgrounds, printer and educational toys.

Currently the kindergarten is having 57 children with three teachers. They are taking care the children from three months old up to 4 years old.