
Rundu football coaches trained

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Rundu football coaches trained

Forty-seven aspiring coaches in the Kavango East region received coaching certificates after undergoing a Namibia Football Association (NFA) coaching clinic. held last week in Rundu.

According to NFA coaching instructor Haiyambo Alpheus, it is the first time in 15 years that this course is being held in the town. 

He added the training was vital because it will assist local coaches with basic knowledge of coaching.

“It was an exciting time for us. Having to equip our coaches with the much-needed knowledge around coaching is a step in the right direction,” he said.

“We had 47 coaches who received their introductory to coaching certificates. All the participants were enthusiastic and had been yearning for such an opportunity. With them now having a little knowledge, it has opened doors to even take it further.” 

In terms of the importance and impact it will play in the community, the NFA instructor said this will be of great benefit to the region and community, as the certified coaches will pass on the knowledge to hundreds of footballers and coaches.

“I am proud of the job we did this past week; a huge impact will be made in our society in the next 12 months. Some participants are teachers, meaning they would be able to transform their school teams, while those that coach at the football academy level will also benefit their teams as they will now thrive,” he said.   

Also speaking to this publication, Shipapo Phineas, who coaches a local team, said he is now aware of some things he did not know, and he will now conduct himself in the right manner and be able to implement the knowledge learned with the rest of his team.

“I am now happy to have achieved this small milestone. It’s huge for me because I have been coaching my team for years without any proper knowledge. But with what I learned during the coaching clinic, I believe my team will become a better team,” he said. – mkambukwe@nepc.com.na